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I have just finished reading all of the published opinions. I have concluded
that some of the "opinion-givers" have not read Mr. Hoffman's report, nor the
summary. I do not live in Boise. I live in Pennsylvania. I live close to
Indiana, Pa., where Doug and Craig were from. I am employed by one of the
"major television networks". I have followed this case from the beginning and
have accumulated quite a file on this incident. I have been in this business
for almost a decade. I know there are good cops, bad cops and cops who make
mistakes and try to cover it up. I believe that this incident was a mistake.
There is definately a cover-up. The officers involved know the truth. So do
the witnesses. Some of the witnesses fear for their lives. What happened the
early morning of September 20, 1997 was so unnecessary. Signals got crossed
and all of the officers involved did not communicate. What a shame. Lack of
communication killed those two boys and an officer. What is really a shame is
the FBI and the Justice Department. They have been dragging their feet on
this. Why dont they get off of their rear ends and give the Brodrick family
and the Stall family piece of mind?? Let this nightmare end for everyone
involved!! How can the BPD sleep at night when they know that they took the
lives of two innocent boys and one of their own?? The officers involved ought
to be ashamed of themselves. Even though it was an accident..things got out
of hand..lack of communication. I hope that someone involved that night has
the guts to come forward and put and end to this. I must sign this anonymous,
because media people are supposed to have opinions, and I do not wish to lose
my job.