

newspaper articles


...from the parents

...from B.P.D.

Other Shootings



Mark Stall

Craig, Doug Brodrick

Ryan Hennessey

James Atkinson


Copyright © 1996-97
All rights reserved.

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You know you people sicken me. You always think that the police are doing something wrong and post these things about officers. Do you have the guts to do what they do??? Probably not!!! No one likes the police because they are the ones to give people tickets and arrest people. But when someone breaks in your car or tries to hurt you or family who's the first person you call? 911 for the police isn't it!

And then all of you monday morning quarter backs taking only what the paper prints and believing it to be fact. When the only truthful thing printed in the paper is the comic strip. Those officers had to go through a traumatic experience and they had to make a life and death decision in less than a second. And that decision is to live or die! You have no right to say what is right or wrong unless you were there. If those people hadn't tried to kill those officers in the first place none of them would be where there are now.

You should take a moment and think about the officers involved in those shootings. They have to deal with that for the rest of there life and continue to listen to you people about there actions even after the city,state and fbi have done there investigations and cleared them of any wrong doing.

LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!! Haven't you done enough already?

If this is printed I want to remain anonymous

I am also curious as to who you people are???? How do you feel this is a help to the healing of this city especially since I see you saying that you don't put opinion into the out come of these stories. Like all the shootings but I also see that you don't put all the facts in them either!! Another thing is your link to mark stall's site says its down or under construction, that's not true at all. That site is working just fine. It makes me wonder what your real intentions are.