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I would normally be apposed to a independent council. I would normally say let the police govern
themselves because the more bureaucracy the harder it is to get things done. However when things reach a point that kids are being killed on a regular basis, beyond the exception then i feel something has gone amiss. Therefore I do feel some kind of independent council should be introduced, even if on a short term basis to get to the bottom of the cause of this rash of shootings.
I support the Police when they act in accordance with their position, but when Kids begin to get shot in the head for spinning there tires something must be looked at.
I think of we could make complaint about abuse from an officer and have it printed in the paper right along side all the citations that we the citizens have committed then I think it wouldn't take to long before you would see a change in Police attitude, especially if the offending officers where dismissed after so many legitimate complaints.